
I Welcome You To My Website With The  Hope That You Will Find It Both Informative And Helpful.

In a time when marriages are being attacked on every sidewe need to stand together to encourage and help one another. I have been working in the areas of adultery recovery and prevention for over forty years and have seen many couples successfully work through the pain and devastation of adultery. That material is collected in Torn Asunder and the Torn Asunder Workbook which will guide couples as they tackle  the necessary healing, forgiveness, and restoration of respect and trust. There is hope.

To those couples who haven’t gone thru adultery, I would say, you must build a strong attachment that will help you weather the normal storms and avoid the pitfalls. Anatomy of an Affair, was written with that prevention in mind.

We all bring family of origin issues into our marriages. Jesus said, “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (John 8:32), and it is for this reason that the book, Unlocking Your Family Patterns was put together. He is the Truth, and He wants us to understand the influence of our histories on ourselves, our spouses, and our children.

May God richly bless your marriage,

Dave served as Pastor responsible for Counseling Ministries at the First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton for over 30 years.

His main task was the oversight, training and supervision of the extensive lay counseling program of the church. He also served as pastor of marriage ministries, consultant to various support groups, and gave oversight to COMI (Caregivers of the Mentally Ill) and Family to Family (the NAMI family training program). Dave continues to serve on the board of Marble Retreat Center, Marble, Colorado.

He holds graduate degrees in Biblical Literature and in Counseling Psychology as well as the Marriage and Family Therapy license in California. He is a clinical member of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. His publishing credits include Promises from Proverbs, Zondervan 1984, 2012; Secrets of Your Family Tree, Moody 1991, revised 2008; Torn Asunder: Helping Couples Recover from Infidelity, Moody 1994, revised 2008; the Torn Asunder Workbook, Moody 2001, revised 2008; Steps To A New Beginning, Nelson 1992 (winner of The Gold Medallion Award in Personal Evangelism for 1993); Close Calls: What Adulterers Want You to Know About Protecting Your Marriage, Moody 2008; and Anatomy of an Affair: How Affairs, Attractions and Addictions Develop and How to Guard Your Marriage Against Them, Moody, 2017.